The Beatles Stereo Box Set is a box set compilation comprising all of the remastered stereo recordings by The Beatles. The set was released on 9 September 2009, the same day both The Beatles: Rock Band and the remastered mono recordings were released (see The Beatles in Mono). The remastering project for both mono and stereo versions was led by EMI senior studio engineers Allan Rouse and Guy Massey.
This is the third complete box set collection of original Beatles albums after The Beatles Collection and The Beatles Box Set.
The sixteen disc collection contains the remastered stereo versions of every album in the Beatles catalogue. The first four albums are making their CD debut in stereo, though some songs have appeared on CD in stereo through various compilations. Both Help! and Rubber Soul use the 1987 remixes prepared by George Martin for the original CD releases. The original 1965 mixes can be found on The Beatles in Mono box set on their respective discs as a bonus feature. Magical Mystery Tour is presented in the sequence and artwork of its original North American album release, as opposed to the UK six-song EP. Yellow Submarine is presented in its original format, not the 1999 Songtrack version. All CDs replicate their original album labels as first released, from the various Parlophone Records variations, to the Capitol Records label (for Magical Mystery Tour) and the UK Apple Records label from The Beatles through Let It Be. Each of the albums except Past Masters includes a mini-documentary about the album in QuickTime format.
- Please Please Me (1963)
- With The Beatles (1963)
- A Hard Day's Night (1964)
- Beatles for Sale (1964)
- Help! (1965)
- Rubber Soul (1965)
- Revolver (1966)
- Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967)
- Magical Mystery Tour (1967)
- The Beatles (1968)
- Yellow Submarine (1969)
- Abbey Road (1969)
- Let It Be (1970)
- Past Masters (1962–1970)
Am ascultat pana acum cateva albume si suna foarte bine si clar. De obicei cand merg undeva cu masina are tatal meu in masina ceva caseta cu beatles foarte veche si trebuie sa dau mega tare sa aud ceva. Chiar daca mi-as fi dorit sa fi trait pe vremea aceea, ma bucur ca pot sa ascult melodiile intr-o calitate foarte buna. Asadar, daca sunteti un fan adevarat Beatles ati putea sa va luati Box Setul de pe net. Ar fi excelent daca as avea bani sa mi-l comand, dar hey, pana una alta merge si ilegal.
Pe langa asta abia astept sa ajunga The Beatles primii in topul lastfm si sa-i intreaca pe Radiohead. MUHAHAHA >:)
Si eu astept ca The Beatles sa intreaca Radiohead. 8->
RăspundețiȘtergereCred ca dupa saptamana asta si cealalta o sa fie pe locul 1 si de neintrecut! >:)
RăspundețiȘtergereInca 13801 de ascultatori si asa va fi. :X
RăspundețiȘtergereOricum la numarul de "plays" cred ca nu o sa fie intrecuti niciodata :D
RăspundețiȘtergereSa-i intreaca pe Radiohead?!?! :-o Never!!!! [-( [-( :)) well, ar fi frumos sa nu....:-? I must admit. :D
RăspundețiȘtergereNu prea are rost sa se certe fanii beatles cu fanii radiohead :)) Oricum ii intrece sigur :))