sâmbătă, 31 octombrie 2009

Ashes and Wine

Don’t know what to do any more
I’ve lost the only love worth fighting for
I’ll drown in my tear storming sea
That would show you,
That would make you hurt like me

All the same, I don’t want mud-slinging games
It’s just a shame to let you walk away

Is there a chance, a fragment of light
At the end of the tunnel, a reason to fight
Is there a chance, you may change your mind
Or are we ashes and wine?

She Said, She Said

She said, she said
I know what it's like to be dead
I know what it is to be sad.

joi, 29 octombrie 2009

Say it's Possible

It'll be better in a year
You'll forget everything you thought was so important here
I know even the darkest clouds will disappear
Everyone goes through this, it's part of life

Now you wanna show it to the world
You wanna show them just what happens when you hurt a girl

miercuri, 28 octombrie 2009

Delayed Devotion

When I drop you boy
You'll need another toy
One that won't stand up for herself
When I knock you down
You'll need another town
Where somebody's gonna talk to you
You just let me wait
Now it's too late
For your delayed, delayed devotion

marți, 27 octombrie 2009

That's the end - and that's the start of it
That's the whole - and that's the part of it
That's the hide - and that's the heart of it
That's the long - and that's the short of it
That's the best - and that's the test in it
That's the doubt - the doubt, the trust in it
That's the sight - and that's the sound of it
That's the gift - and that's the trick in it

You're the truth, not I, you're the truth, not I
You're the truth, not I, you're the truth, not I

luni, 26 octombrie 2009


I want your lungs to stop working without me
I think about writing you
I thought about calling you
What was I looking for
What am I looking for

I know I'll hold this pain in my heart forever
I know I'll hold, I'll hold
I know I'll hold this pain in my heart forever
I know I'll hold, I'll hold

duminică, 25 octombrie 2009

El Tango De Roxanne

Her eyes upon your face
Her hand upon your hand
Her lips caress your skin
Why does my heart cry?
Feelings I can't fight!
You're free to leave me but
Just don't deceive me!
...And please believe me when I say

sâmbătă, 24 octombrie 2009

Violent Pornography

Kill! Kill! Kill!

Well you could wash my brain
You could tear out my heart
But I would never forget you

You could change my world
I could make a new start
But I would never forget you

And it's kill, kill, killing me
And it's kill, kill, killing me
That I'm still in love with you

vineri, 23 octombrie 2009

A heart that hurts is a heart that WORKS

No one can take it away from me
And no one can tear it apart
Maybe ellaborate fantasy
But it's the perfect place to start

Cause a heart that hurts is a heart that works
A heart that hurts is a heart that works

joi, 22 octombrie 2009


I wish I hadn't seen all of the realness
And all the real people are really not real at all
The more I learn The more I learn
the more I cry the more I cry
As I say goodbye to the way of life
I thought I had designed for me

Then I see you standing there
Wanting more from me
And all I can do is try
Then I see you standing there
I'm all I'll ever be
But all I can do is try

marți, 13 octombrie 2009

Click Click

De acum ma puteti gasi si pe http://www.cineblog.info

sâmbătă, 10 octombrie 2009

Muzica In Viata Mea

*Acest articol participa la concursul Radio Whisper

Muzica face parte din viata oamenilor chiar de la inceputul vietii acestora. Cand eram bebelusi mamele noastre ne cantau cu vocile lor suave cantece de leagan, ca sa ne ajute sa adormim. Apoi a urmat etapa cantecelor pentru copii. Tin minte ca ai mei imi cumparau casete cu muzica de acest gen, iar eu dansam si cantam in jurul camerei. Apoi prin clasa a 2-a, a 3-a, am inceput sa ascult muzica de la televizor si de la radio. Astfel am inceput sa-mi formez diferite gusturi si in prezent sa nu mai pot trai fara muzica.
Muzica a fost acolo pentru mine in multe etape ale vietii mele. De fiecare data cand ma simt deprimata, ma bag sub plapuma si ascult muzica la casti. Acest lucru ma linisteste enorm. Am ajuns sa am melodii preferate pentru diferitele situatii in care ma aflu. Atunci cand sunt trista, vesela, nervoasa, adormita sau plina de energie, mereu exista un cantec care sa exprime ceea ce simt, bineinteles mult mai profund si mai melodios decat as putea sa exprim eu. Tocmai de aceea pot spune ca nu ma incadrez intr-un singur gen. Exista diferite genuri pentru diferite situatii.
Consider ca muzica isi are locul in viata omului pe toata perioada vietii acestuia. Muzica se aude mereu la o petrecere, la o nunta, la o zi de nastere, la o serbare, deoarece ea face totul mai special. Desi au trecut doar 18 ani din viata mea, muzica va avea mereu un rol important pentru mine. Mai cred ca muzica m-a ajutat sa cunosc diferiti oameni. Iti poti da seama de felul de a fi al unei persoane dupa muzica pe care o asculta. Nu spun ca daca o persoana asculta o muzica diferita fata de mine nu incerc sa o cunosc, din potriva, incerc sa vad daca muzica pe care o asculta o defineste. Cel putin eu apreciez muzica pentru versuri si linia melodica, dar mai ales pentru mesajul ei.
Singurul lucru pe care il regret, este acela ca nu m-am apucat de compus/ cantat muizca, chiar eu. Poate as fi reusit sa ma exrpim mai bine prin muzica, dar mai am destul timp pentru a ma apuca. Si stim toti cum se zice: Niciodata nu e prea tarziu sa faci ceva!

* Am fost invitata la acest concurs de catre Marian